You might think email marketing is just a marketers tool. I mean, it’s in the product name, right? So why should a salesperson need to know anything when it comes to email marketing? Well, as it turns out, it’s not just a tool for marketers to generate you leads. It’s a tool you can use to help you close sales too.
Let’s start with lead generation, shall we? Sure, this usually falls under marketing but how big a divide is there between what makes a marketing qualified lead and a sales qualified lead? Now, if you use email marketing with lead generation tools such as IP lookup and lead scoring, you and marketing might start seeing eye to eye on what makes a qualified lead.
Look at setting up email campaigns off the back of certain web pages. Retarget those inbound website leads and associate a score with their visit. As their score builds, you can start to see which leads are showing buying behaviour and focus on getting in contact with the hot prospects.
You know that most leads you call up aren’t ready to buy the first time they hear from you. Or even the second time. Perhaps not even the third time. Rather than wasting your time constantly scheduling callbacks, take advantage of the automated email marketing campaigns your marketing teams can set up.
Use plain-text, Outlook style emails to make it sound like your emailing the masses 1-2-1 and send targeted emails based on what they’ve looked at on your website. Then, when their score climbs to a certain number, you’ll know when they are ready to hear from you – the salesperson.
You might think that once you’ve gotten the lead and nurtured them to a point of sales-readiness, email marketing is no longer relevant. But once you’ve closed the deal, you don’t just cut off all contact with your new customer. That screams, “now we’ve got you, we don’t care about you anymore.”
Instead, once you’ve closed the deal, make sure they get the welcome series email campaigns, the monthly updates with the latest best practices and a personalised check-in email every once in a while, asking for feedback or a call to discuss how they are getting on.
These are just some things you can achieve with email marketing. There are tonnes more ways to engage and convert prospects with email campaigns, you just need to know where to start and what tools to use. Start by browsing our Workbooks GatorMail solution or see what intelligence Web Insights could bring to your Sales team.
This blog post was provided by Spotler who provide the technology behind Workbooks GatorMail and Web Insights.