TechRadar have ranked Workbooks number 2 for ‘Best CRM software of 2024’ and ‘Best for midsize business’. Second only to the enterprise business Salesforce and ranking higher than Hubspot, Zoho, and Pipedrive we’re really proud of where we’ve got to as a smaller business.
And in our case, second best is better.
There’s a very famous campaign that Avis ran in the ‘60s that sums up how we feel. As the number 2 for rental cars, Avis ran the ‘We’re number 2’ campaign to show everyone the reality of being second best. Ultimately, Avis had to try harder.
The campaign worked wonders with its simple message. Because it was honest. And relatable. We’ve all been an underdog in certain situations. And Workbooks is no different – we’re a self-confessed underdog to some of the enterprise CRMs out there. That’s why winning number two is so special for us. It shows that even though we’re smaller, we’re a strong competitor. And what we’re putting on the table as a smaller business, isn’t all possible for enterprise CRMs to do.
CRM: Why smaller can mean bigger results
TechRadar shared one of the key reasons for our number 2 win – our primary differentiator is Shared Success. This really is where we differ to enterprises. Our customers aren’t figures. They’re not ranked by monetary value. They’re people with a unique business.
The key to their success is strategy.
Our experts use the Shared Success program to work out your challenges. They take out their microscopes and look at how every part of your business works. Why? Because they can share with you every way your unique business can save time, money, attract new business, improve retention – all to see actual, tangible results.
We also offer consulting days for free because it’s genuinely key to your success. And that’s our ultimate goal.
TechRadar also shared some of the other key reasons to buy from us:
We’re actually up to 70% cheaper than some of the enterprise CRM providers out there. It can be confusing when comparing CRM providers, but we share our costs up-front to make it as easy as possible. That also means no sneaky hidden costs during implementation or beyond.
Why choose number 2?
Workbooks offers huge levels of personalization that’s genuinely useful to your business through the Shared Success program. And it costs a lot less than the prices enterprise CRM providers are offering. Our support is based on a genuine care for our customers which is why we offer free consulting days and make our pricing as clear as possible from the get-go.
Just like Avis, being number 2 means that we’re constantly trying our hardest to give you the best functionality, service, support and results out there. It’s all about our customers. And we can’t afford not to try harder either.