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GoToWebinar Fields & Processes

An explanation of Custom Fields and automated Processes used by the GoToWebinar integration.

The Plugin automatically installs the following configuration for use with the integration. The fields listed are hidden by default, therefore we recommend manually configuring the Event Form Layout as required once the Plugin installation has completed.


Field Name Data Type Field Description
Webinar Key Text Stores the Webinar Key returned by GTW when a webinar is created. It is used for registrations of attendees and speakers. It is also used to find a webinar when storing attendee data, questions and performance stats after the Webinar.
Status Picklist Indicates the current status of a Webinar. Uses the “Campaign Statuses” picklist.
New Registrations Last Checked Date Time Indicates when the “GoToWebinar – Create Registrants” Scheduled Process last ran against this Event.
Confirm Cancellation Checkbox Used to confirm that you wish to cancel the Webinar and send a confirmation email to registrants. Stops the user accidentally clicking the “Cancel” button and sending unintentional notification emails/deleting the webinar from GoToWebinar.
GoToWebinar Account Picklist Allow a user to create a webinar against a specified GoToWebinar account if the more than one has been configured, otherwise ignored. Maintained automatically by the integration.
Registration Count Integer Stores the number of people registered to the webinar. Updated after the Webinar has completed. This number maybe different to the Attendees list on the event due to people registering from forwarded links that are not synced to Workbooks.
Attendance Percentage Percentage Stores the percentage of registrants who attended the Webinar. Updated after the Webinar has completed.
Avg. Interest Rating Integer Stores a numerical value 1-100 (100 being most interested) indicating the average interest rating of all attendees. Updated after the Webinar has completed.
Avg. Attentiveness Integer Stores the average based on the focus of the attendees viewer window during the Webinar. Updated after the Webinar has completed.
Avg. Attendance Time (Secs) Integer Stores the average attendance time in seconds for all attendees of the Webinar. Updated after the Webinar has completed.
Total Polls Integer Surveys can be added to a Webinar directly in GoToWebinar. However, we’d recommend that Surveys are sent using GatorMail/GatorSurveys instead. This stat reflects any surveys started during the webinar and is updated after the webinar has finished.
Total Surveys Integer Stores the number of questions asked by attendees during a Webinar. Updated after the Webinar has completed. Questions are stored as Activities in Workbooks visible under the “Activities” tab of an Event record.
Total Questions Asked Integer Stores the percentage of polls completed by attendees. Updated after the Webinar has completed.
Polls Completed Percentage Surveys can be added to a Webinar directly in GoToWebinar. However, we’d recommend that Surveys are sent using GatorMail/GatorSurveys instead. This stat reflects any surveys completed in GoToWebinar only and is updated after the Webinar.
Surveys Completed Percentage Surveys can be added to a Webinar directly in GoToWebinar. However, we’d recommend that Surveys are sent using GatorMail/GatorSurveys instead. This stat reflects any surveys completed in GoToWebinar only and is updated after the Webinar.
Attendee Score Integer Attribute a Score to a person that registered and attended a Webinar on an Online Activity which can be used to drive other internal processes. Online Activity created after the Webinar has completed.
Attendee Absent Score Integer Attribute a Score to a person that registered but did not attend a Webinar on an Online Activity which can be used to drive other internal processes. 
GoToWebinar iFrame

View the scheduled webinar in the GoToWebinar platform from within an iFrame tab in Workbooks. This iFrame shows the Webinar that matches the current Webinar Key.

On Demand Checkbox Changes the type of Webinar created in the GoToWebinar platform when using the “Create Webinar” button. Set to TRUE to create an On Demand Webinar, or leave as FALSE to schedule a Live Webinar.
Webinar Recording Picklist Allows a user to select an available recording from their GoToWebinar account to schedule an On Demand Webinar from a previous session.
GoToWebinar Type Picklist Allows a user to set the Experience Type in GoToWebinar – either Classic (“Standard” Webinar) or Broadcast


Other Record Types

Custom Fields are also created on Event Speakers, Event Attendees and Tasks as part of the Integration as follows – again, you will need to configure the relevant Form Layouts to your business needs:

Field Name Data Type Record Type Field Description
Synced to GoToWebinar Checkbox Event Attendee (Mailing List Member) Used to indicate that the Attendee has been invited to the Webinar. Set to TRUE once invited.
GoToWebinar Registrant Key Text Event Attendee (Mailing List Member) The key returned from GoToWebinar after an Attendee has been registered to a Webinar.
Time in Session (Secs) Integer Event Attendee (Mailing List Member) The number of seconds that the Event Attendee was in the GoToWebinar session in seconds.
Synced to GoToWebinar Checkbox Event Speaker Used to indicate that the Speaker has been invited to the Webinar. Set to TRUE once invited.
GoToWebinar Panelist Key Text Event Speaker The key returned from GoToWebinar after a Speaker has been registered to a Webinar.
Question Answer Rich Text Task Store the answer to a question that was asked by an attendee during a Webinar.

Automation Processes

  • GoToWebinar – Create Panelists (Scheduled Process): This process is used to automatically create Event Speakers as Panelists in GoToWebinar. See here for more information.
  • GoToWebinar – Create Registrants (Scheduled Process): This process is used to automatically create Event Attendees in Workbooks as Registrants in GoToWebinar. See here for more information.
  • GoToWebinar – Retrieve Webinar Data (Scheduled Process): This process is used to synchronise data about a Webinar and it’s attendees after it has finished. see here for more information.
  • GoToWebinar Auth: Once you have authorised Workbooks to use your GoToWebinar account for the first time, this process is used as part of the automatic background refresh of an access token on your behalf. See here for more information.
  • GoToWebinar (Integration Process): This process allows you to configure which GoToWebinar accounts are available for your Workbooks users to synchronise Workbooks Events to. See here for more information.