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NOTE: Before you begin, you will require a licence for Workbooks Events and ON24 Webcasts. To purchase Workbooks Events, please contact your Account Manager. ON24 Webcasts can be purchased directly from ON24 and is not sold, or licenced by Workbooks.

To set up the integration, install the ON24 Plugin into your Workbooks database. As a System Admin, click Start > Configuration > Automation > Plugins > Add Plugin. From here, select Script Library and then ON24 Integration. Select Install to begin the Plugin installation.


Step 1 of the Plugin allows you configure some of the integration behaviour around retrieving questions from ON24 after a Webcast has completed as follows:

  • Enable Retrieve Questions for Attendees: The default value is ON. You can turn the functionality off if this feature is not required.
  • New Question – Activity Assigned To: Control which queue or user questions asked during a webcast are assigned to when they are created by the integration.

More information on this functionality can be found here. Once you are happy with the settings, click Continue.

NOTE: Before continuing with the installation of the ON24 integration, ensure that you have provisioned an ON24 API Token within ON24. See here for details.

The Plugin automatically installs the configuration for use with the integration. The Custom Fields and Processes are listed here. You can close the Plugin window after seeing this message.


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