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Outreach Fields & Processes

A list of Custom Fields & Process installed by the Outreach Plugin

NOTE: This integration is currently in BETA only and not available on the Script Library at this time. The functionality on these pages may change without warning. Please contact us if you would like to be involved in testing this integration.

During installation of the Plugin, the following Custom Fields are created automatically.

Outreach Mapping (Custom Record Type)

If the Workbooks instance that you are installing the integration into is licenced for Custom Records, then a new Custom Record Type called “Outreach Mappings” is created automatically and made available on the Start Menu. This functionality allows you to configure field mappings for Custom Fields in Workbooks to Outreach record types. See here for more information on syncing Custom Fields to Outreach. In the absence of a Custom Record Type licence, the integration will only sync Standard Workbooks fields as per the relevant help page.

The Plugin automatically creates the following fields within this custom record type:

# Field Data Type Description
1 Outreach Record Type Picklist The Outreach record type this field will be mapped to e.g. Prospect, Account or Opportunity
2 Outreach Field Name Text The Outreach Field Name required by the Outreach API
3 Workbooks Record Type Picklist Workbooks record type to identify where the specified Workbooks field can be found
4 Workbooks Field Name Text Workbooks Field Name as per the Workbooks API Metadata
5 Enabled Checkbox Controls whether the field is mapped or not to Outreach
NOTE: Default is “TRUE” i.e the field is mapped
6 Sync Direction Picklist

Controls whether the field is sent to Outreach or received back from a Webhook and stored in Workbooks

NOTE: Only “Send” is currently used and is the default applied automatically.


The following Custom Fields are automatically created by the Plugin installation on People. They are hidden by default, so we would recommend configuring these on the relevant Form Layouts to suit your needs after installation has complete.

# Field Data Type Description
1 Sync to Outreach Checkbox Set to TRUE to sync the Person record to Outreach as a Prospect
2 Outreach Id Integer Stores the Prospect Id when created via the integration
3 Outreach Record URL URL The URL in Outreach to open the Prospect record created by the integration
4 Last Synced to Outreach DateTime This field is updated to trigger an update to People if the related Organisation is updated.
5 Outreach Duplicate Record Checkbox Set to TRUE if a duplicate Prospect matching the Email Address was found when trying to sync this record to Outreach
6 Outreach Sync Error Checkbox Set to TRUE if an error occurred when trying to sync this record to Outreach
7 Outreach Sequence State String Stores the Sequence State for that person e.g. Active – Running, Paused, Finished.
8 Outreach Sequence State Updated Date Set to the date the Outreach Sequence State was updated. Particularly useful once a person has finished in their sequence so you can time other communications appropriately.
9 Outreach Sequence State Id Integer Stores the Id of the Sequence State for that person.


The following Custom Fields are automatically created by the Plugin installation on Organisations. They are hidden by default, so we would recommend configuring these on the relevant Form Layouts to suit your needs after installation has complete.

# Field Data Type Description
1 Sync to Outreach Checkbox Set to TRUE to sync the Person record to Outreach as a Prospect
2 Outreach Id Integer Stores the Prospect Id when created via the integration
3 Outreach Record URL URL The URL in Outreach to open the Prospect record created by the integration
4 Outreach Duplicate Record Checkbox Set to TRUE if a duplicate Prospect matching the Email Address was found when trying to sync this record to Outreach
5 Outreach Sync Error Checkbox Set to TRUE if an error occurred when trying to sync this record to Outreach


The following Custom Fields are automatically created by the Plugin installation on Opportunities. They are hidden by default, so we would recommend configuring these on the relevant Form Layouts to suit your needs after installation has complete.

# Field Data Type Description
1 Sync to Outreach Checkbox Set to TRUE to sync the Person record to Outreach as a Prospect
2 Outreach Id Integer Stores the Prospect Id when created via the integration
3 Outreach Record URL URL The URL in Outreach to open the Prospect record created by the integration
4 Outreach Sync Error Checkbox Set to TRUE if an error occurred when trying to sync this record to Outreach

Automation Processes

The following automated processes are created by the Outreach installation plugin for use with this integration.

NOTE: The Outreach Sync Deleted Workbooks Data to Outreach Scheduled Process is disabled by default. It must be manually enabled if you wish to use this functionality.

  • Outreach Maintain Mapping Data (Scheduled Process): This process is used to sync picklist data and metadata to Workbooks from Outreach.  More information available here.
  • Outreach Send/Receive (Scheduled Process): This process is used to synchronise new/changed data from Workbooks to Outreach and vice versa. More information available for People, Organisations and Opportunities on each of the linked Knowledge Base pages.
  • Outreach Auth (Web Process): This process is used to manage authentication to your Outreach account from within Workbooks. More information available here.
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