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September 2019 Release

September 2019 Release

Release date: 15th September 2019

Copy Document

Additional functionality added to the Copy Document function

When using the Copy Document function from any Transaction Document you will now have additional options. When copying a Document, as well as being able to create a new Document, you will be able to copy Line Items from one Document to another that already exists; for example, adding upgrade Order Line Items to a Customer Contract.

You will also be able to copy a subset of Line Items, rather than copying all of them from the source Document. This can be used when creating Credit Notes or Supplier Orders to only copy the Line Items that are specifically required. Full details on this functionality can be found on our Knowledge Base.


Send Transactional Emails through GatorMail

The GatorMail Integration has been enhanced to allow for sending details of Tasks and Accounting Documents within emails generated through GatorMail. This functionality can be used in a number of ways, including to send out Invoice Reminders, Contract Renewals or Meeting confirmation emails. Full details can be found the Forum where you will be able to review the prerequisites & setup, as well as a worked example.


Decimal Places on Decimal Custom Fields

The number of Decimal Places can now be specified on a Decimal number Custom Field on a field by field basis. By default this will be set to two decimal places, however, this can be amended to display between zero and five decimal places.



Scheduled Emails Owner

The Owner column can be exposed on the Scheduled Emails Landing Page. This allows you to easily sort and filter Scheduled Emails by the User that they will send as, meaning that in the event of roles changes or users leaving the company you can easily see which Scheduled Emails will be affected and need to be amended.

Drill into Grand Total on Summary Views

It is now possible to drill into the Grand Total of a column in the Summary View, drilling into this column will show all of the underlying data in the Report view rather than just what is in that particular grouped column.

New Calendar Filters and Criteria

Criteria and filters can now be applied in Reports or Landing Pages date columns to return results in the next three, six, nine or twelve months, to help identify and return records where close or due dates are upcoming without the need for a calculated column.

Values Columns now come with a Display Summary option

Total, Count and Average summarised can be added to any column in a Report on any view. This means for example that the total amounts for currencies can now be displayed on a Details view without the need for creating a Summary View and a summarised column.

Financial Period Reporting Functions

New reporting functions have been introduced that can be used within calculated columns to output Financial Year information. These additions should simplify reporting where you may want to see what quarter of the financial year a date falls into. More information on this can be found on our Knowledge Base.

Marketing Campaigns

Memberships tab now shows most recent changes first

The default view of the Memberships tab for People, Leads and Organisations will now be ordered by the ‘Updated at’ column. As a result, it will show the most recent, and likely most relevant, Campaign or Mailing list memberships at the top of the page.


No longer able to access the legacy Workbooks Mobile Client

We have now removed the ability to log into the legacy mobile client when accessing the login page through a mobile device. Users can log in as normal to use the modern mobile layout.