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Why aren’t Online Activities being created in the database?

If you find that Online Activities are not being created in Workbooks but are being created in the GatorLeads Portal then there are a couple of checks you can perform in order to troubleshoot the problem.

1 – Is the plugin installed?

To check this go to Start > Configuration > Email & Integration and check to see if the option is there for Web Insights:


If Web Insights is not available then the Plugin has not been installed. You will need to follow the Web Insights Plugin Setup Guide on the Knowledge Base in order to install and set this up.

2 – Is the Process running?

If the Plugin has been installed you will be able to see when the last online activities were created:


If there has been no Recent Activity created then you will need to check that the Process is still running. To do this go to Configuration > Automation > Processes > Scheduled Processes and open the Web Insights Sync Process.

You will need to check the Enabled checkbox on the Process, if this is unchecked you will need to check the box to enable the Process again. You may want to review the Progress Logs to see why the Process disabled so that it doesn’t get disabled when it has been re-enabled.


You will also need to check your Access Settings to make sure that the Process was running as an Active User. We recommend that you use the Automation User for Web Insights as this User will be creating Sales Leads in the database through the Web Insights Sync.


Contact Support

If the Plugin is installed and the Web Insights Process is running without errors you will need to contact Workbooks Support at to investigate further.