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DocuSign Settings

A comprehensive list of all DocuSign settings that are available for all Integration Types.

The DocuSign Plugin has a number of settings that need to be configured to setup the integration. Each setting controls specific behaviour of the integration when you generate a new document for signature. The settings vary depending on the Record & Integration Type that is selected.

Below is a list of all of the settings and how they are used when setting up a new document.

New Setup

  • Document Name: A unique name of the document configuration. We recommend that this is something that includes the function of the document so it can be easily identified later. If you are using multi-send mode (see below), this name is also shown on an Activity when a document is generated. The record type that you choose below, will be automatically added to the name.
  • Record Type: A picklist of all available record types that the integration can be used with – currently limited to Transaction Documents, People, Organisations and Cases.
  • Integration Type: Here you have three options Workbooks PDF, Word Template and DocuSign Template. Depending on your selection will cause the below fields to appear for their respective Integration Type. NOTE: When selecting Word Template, you do not need to specify the name of the Word Template within this Plugin. The integration simply selects the most recent file uploaded to the ‘Files’ tab by the Word Add-In. For more information, see here.
    • Workbooks PDF: A selection of all enabled PDF Templates within your database. This is not restricted by the Record Type picklist so you will need to ensure that you are selecting the template for the correct Record Type otherwise the integration will fail.
      • PDF File Name Fields: Once you have selected the Record Type you will be able to use Fields from the specified Record to generate a PDF File Name. If left blank this will result in the integration using the default fields:
        • For a Case this is the Customer Name
        • For a Person this is the Person’s Name
        • For an Organisation this is the Organisation Name
        • For all Transaction Documents including Opportunities this is also the Customer Name
    • DocuSign Template: This looks up a list of all available Templates within DocuSign. Templates must be configured in DocuSign to appear here.
  • DocuSign Notifications: DocuSign records an event when something happens with your document. This event is then pushed to Workbooks and the record updated with a new status. By default the “Document Signed” option will be checked, however we recommend that all available options are selected for maximum visibility of your document progress in Workbooks. When a document is signed, you will receive a Workbooks Notifications via your configured preferences. For all other statuses, a Workbooks Report can be built and pinned to the desktop to identify the status of a document (see here for further information)
  • Store DocuSign Certificate of Completion: Choose whether you want DocuSign to send an additional PDF file when a document is signed, which details an audited timestamp breakdown of all of the actions against that document. This file is stored on the Files tab in Workbooks against the Source record.
NOTE: We’d recommend that you only store this PDF if really needed as additional storage is used. If you have the Audit Module enabled on your account, you are able to build Workbooks Reports to get much more detailed information.

Invoice Specific Options

  • DocuSign Payments: It is possible for payment to be taken for Invoices through DocuSign. Turning this setting On provides recipients with the option to make a payment for the amount specified on the Invoice.
    • More information on this can be found here on DocuSign’s Knowledge Base.
    • The Workbooks Unified PDF is configured for use with DocuSign Payments out of the box providing you have the correct DocuSign licence.
    • Custom PDFs and DocuSign Templates can be used, but configuration & development work might be needed. Please contact us for further information.
  • Payment Gateways: Select the Payment Gateway that you would like to use for any documents send out. Payment Gateways need to be configured within your DocuSign Account in order to appear here. DocuSign allows Payments through Stripe, and Paypal (via Braintree).
    • Further licencing or setup costs, plus transaction fees may exist to use a third party payment gateway.

Signer/CC Recipient Setup

NOTE: For People, Organisations and Cases, signer relationships cannot be configured. Thus, this section does not show any configurable options

When using Transaction Documents to request a signature, a document can be sent to one or more people at the same time by adding multiple people to the “People” tab of that record. The integration can be configured to only select People that are related with certain relationship types.

  • Which relationship roles should be used as Signers?: Select the Relationship types that the integration should look for when generating a new envelope. Multiple relationships can be configured by holding CTRL/CMD before clicking.
    • Only People Relationships are available in this picklist as the Signer must be a Person related to the Transaction Document. Options may differ based on your Workbooks instance and what has been configured
    • If a Person with the selected relationship is not added to your document, then you will not be able to send a document for signature.
    • Additionally, if a Person is related to the document by a relationship that is not selected during the configuration then they will not receive the document for signature.
  • Allow Contacts as CC Recipients in DocuSign: When this setting is enabled, another multi-select picklist will be shown, allowing you to add additional People to the Email as a CC recipient.
    • NOTE: Carbon Copy recipients cannot sign a document or fill out required fields during the signature workflow. They can only view the progress of the document.

Advanced Options

  • DocuSign Interactive Send Mode: By default, this is set to On. When sending a document for signature, Interactive Send Mode will allow the user to preview/change what the document will look like to the end user before it is sent out.
    • If this setting is turned off, the document will be sent straight away, without allowing the user to preview/change anything first. It is not advised that this setting is ever turned off except for a few specific circumstances. For instance, if you are sending a company policy where the form is not dynamic, and simply requires signature.
  • Enable DRAFT document sending: By default, this setting is set to Off. DocuSign Documents cannot be sent from a DRAFT Transaction Document (DQTE, DINV, DORD, DSOR and DCON, DCRN).
    • It is not recommended to send DRAFT documents externally. If the document is POSTED, the draft reference is no longer searchable.
    • If you would like to override this feature and allow your users to send out DRAFT documents (not recommended), then select On. 
  • Enable Multiple Send: By default, this setting is set to Off. Enabling this feature, changes the behaviour of the integration to create Activities for each document that is sent out. The setting allows you to send several documents from the same source record to drive a workflow. It will also allow you to send out the same document for signature again, regardless of whether it has previously been signed. Therefore, careful consideration to your business process should be taken before enabling this setting. Please see here for further information on how to build a Report Grid to identify all documents and their corresponding status which have been sent out from the same record.
    • This setting is useful in some scenarios such as an Approvals process where you may wish to send an internal document before sending out a copy to the customer.
  • Update Related Records: When a document is signed, it can update fields on a related record that are linked to your source record via a Dynamic Linked Item (DLI) field. For instance, you could capture updated contact details in your document and the integration will update them on the relevant Person record in Workbooks. See here for more information.
    • Records related via Dynamic Picklist type fields are not supported.