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Email Integrations

Workbooks provides you with a few different integrations with your email client. Ensuring that important correspondence is stored within Workbooks and can be made accessible to other users within the business. Which option is best suited for you depends on various factors, such as the environment in which you’re working and the nature of your work.

Currently, the integrations that we have available are the Email Dropbox and the Workbooks Exchange Server Sync (WESS).

We have created a list below that compares the functionality of each integration to help you decide which option is most suited for your needs.

Feature Dropbox WESS
Requires an additional licence to use tick.png
Ability to attach emails to specific Records tick.png tick.png
Ability to share contact information between Workbooks and your email client tick.png
Capable of creating and synchronising Tasks and Meetings between Workbooks & Outlook tick.png
Able to synchronise Records in bulk tick.png tick.png
Able to be accessed without installing to a local desktop tick.png tick.png
Allows for a central deployment for all users tick.png
Automatic synchronisation tick.png
Two-way synchronisation tick.png
Synchronised Records appear immediately in Workbooks. tick.png tick.png
Ability to create or update Records in Workbooks from your email client tick.png
Compatible with Mac OS and Windows tick.png tick.png