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Engagement Hub Interactions

Integrate ON24’s Engagement Hub into Workbooks Online Activities

ON24 offers a product called Engagement Hub which is part of it’s Webcast platform. It allows content to be published to a “Hub”, which users can engage with to view and download content that you share. Content can be previous webinars that were recorded and you wish to make available on demand and even live webinars, PDFs, websites or videos. The statistics and key information tracked by the Engagement Hub are integrated into Workbooks CRM’s Online Activity record allowing you to enhance your reporting capabilities, alongside the Webcast (Event), Survey, Question and Poll data also synced as part of the integration.

The Online Activity record type is available from Start > Marketing. The integration syncs the following key fields from ON24.

NOTE: Some mappings are to custom fields which are created via the ON24 Plugin during installation, and they may need to be shown on your Online Activity Form Layout.

# ON24 Field Name Workbooks Field Name Notes
1 contenttype Type The type of content accessed e.g. PDF, Video, Website View, Webcast – Recorded or Webcast – Live
2 description Action The name of the content accessed
3 lastarchiveactivity Occurred At The date/time the content was accessed
4 archiveminutes Minutes Viewed The number of full minutes the content was viewed for as captured by ON24
5 engagementscore Score This score is automatically calculated by ON24, not Workbooks
6 submitted_name Submitted Name The name submitted when the user accessed content via the Engagement Hub
7 submitted_employer_name Submitted Employer The Employer name submitted when the user accessed content via the Engagement Hub – if captured on your form, otherwise blank
8 N/A Person The Person matched by searching on email address in Workbooks (see below)
9 email Email Address The email address submitted when the user accessed content on the Hub
10 eventid Marketing Campaign Content can be published directly on the Engagement Hub or in the instance of a Webcast, it can originate from Workbooks. The integration searches for a Workbooks Event where the ON24 Id matches this field. If found, it was a Webcast that originated from Workbooks, so the integration links the Online Activity to it, otherwise it’s left blank
11 N/A Form Submissions Data This is the JSON payload synced from the ON24 API and is stored for debugging purposes. The data here is stored above in separate fields, thus this field should not be used in Reports.

The above statistics are synced periodically using the Scheduled Process called ON24 – Sync All Attendees to Online Activities. This process is created when you install the ON24 Integration Plugin and enabled by default. A new Online Activity record is created for each view of the content. Therefore, if a user revisits the content – multiple Online Activities will be created in Workbooks indicating the separate interactions with the content.

When content is viewed in ON24’s Engagement Hub, the user is requested to fill out some required information before they can access it. At a minimum, the email address is required but ON24 allows you to configure the data that is captured. When the statistics sync to Workbooks via the integration, Workbooks searches for a matching Person using the submitted email address. If a Person is found, then this record is used on the Online Activity Person field.

NOTE: In the instance of duplicate people being matched by email address, the integration uses the first record found, sorted by Id. This means the oldest record in CRM is used.

If a Person is not found, the integration creates a new record with the captured data and assigns that record to a Queue. The default Queue used is “Unassigned”, but this can be overridden by setting the parameter called “new_person_queue_name” on the ON24 – Sync All Attendees to Online Activities Scheduled Process.

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