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Event Speakers

You are able to provide information about Speakers at your Event to this tab within Workbooks, this is then shown in the Event Portal. Additional information can be added to the Speakers to provide attendees with more information as to who they are and why they are speaking.


To add a Speaker select the Add Speaker Button on the Tab


Note: These Form Layouts are customisable like any other Record in Workbooks so Custom Fields can be added if required, however you may find that it is better placed on the Person Record directly.

When creating a new Speaker the only populated Field is the Event Field, linking the Speaker to the Event or Session that you created the Speaker from.

Look up Person: If the Speaker exists within Workbooks you are able to search for them in the Look up Person field, this will then populate information on the Speaker Record that is already on their Person Record.

Name: The Speaker’s name that will be shown to Event Attendees – will be populated by the Look up Person field but can be overwritten

Employer name: The Speaker’s Employer – will be populated by the Look up Person field but can be overwritten

Job Title: The Job title of your Speaker.

Speaker role: This provides Attendees with information on the role that the Speaker will be playing within the Event or Session rather than their position or role in their Organisation.

The speaker role is controlled by a Picklist called “Event Speaker Roles” that can be accessed in the Configuration menu. This is an unrestricted Picklist so values can be added ad-hoc.  

If you have multiple speakers in the same role you may want to ensure that your keynote speakers are at the top within the Portal. This can be achieved by adding weighting to their speaker record.

Photo: You are able to upload a photo of the Speaker – it will be populated by the Look up Person field if there is a Photo on the Person record, but can be overwritten

Published: Once checked the Speaker will appear in the Event Portal for Attendees to see.

Social Media: You are able to add URLs to the Speaker’s Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn Profiles, allowing Attendees to further research your speaker or look at the content they are putting out onto the web.

Personal Website: If the speaker has their own website you want to publish a link to, enter it here. 

Biography: An overview of who your speaker is, why they are speaking at your event and their relevant background. This will be populated by the Look up Person field if biography on person record but can be overwritten

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