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Opportunity Line Items

Use Line Items to record the products or services that your customers are interested in buying


Line Items in your Opportunity are used to record the products and/or services that your prospective customer may be interested in buying.

As with all grids in Workbooks, you can customise the line items layout to display the columns relevant to the opportunity, including cost- related columns and any custom fields you have created for line items. To add or remove columns or view the available ones, click on the downward arrow in the column header, within line items > ‘Columns’ to see all the fields you can add or remove from the line items layout > Click Save within the ‘View’ option at the top right of the record, to retain the changes you’ve applied.


Changing the Opportunity Currency or the Own Organisation will remove any Line Items so make sure you select the right ones before adding your Line Items.

You must enter at least one Line Item but can add as many more as needed and you can modify the values and quantities as you learn more about the Opportunity.

Line Items can reference products/services in your Product Book, which will pull through any price/cost/tax information already entered there, although this can be overwritten if required.  Alternatively, you can simply free type in a Line Description and all values.

Each time you add a Line Item, the total figures for Net Amount, Gross Amount, Gross Margin and Total Cost are updated.  Similarly, each time you Save the Opportunity the figures behind the Analysis Reveal are re-calculated.