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Notes can be added to a range of record types. These notes could be a free-type note, one which uses a template or a link to a URL. This article covers how each can be set up and used.


Workbooks enables you to record Notes and attach files to a whole range of records, including People, Organisations, Leads, Opportunities etc. 

You can create three types of Note:

  • Free-type information about the record (usually information that doesn’t readily fit into any of the other fields in that record).
  • A standardised Note that uses a template with placeholders that are replaced with values from the parent record (ie the record that the Note is linked to).
  • One that includes a link to a URL and displays the contents of that URL in the body of the Note.


NOTE: If a record is deleted with Notes, the Notes are then orphaned and will not be searchable. It is advised, when deleting a record, to check if there are important Notes. If so, copy the information somewhere safe.


Adding a free-type Note


Don’t use Notes for recording details of conversations or meetings; these should be recorded as Activities.

Agree and implement a naming convention for Notes to make them easy to find using Search.

Either click New > Note on the Main tab of a record or open the Notes tab and click New Note

Files can be uploaded to notes (as long as the file is less than 16 MB in size) by opening the Files tab on the Note and clicking Upload Files.

The text entered in the body of a Note is searchable (but the text within any uploaded file is not).

You can also add a Note to an Activity by opening the Notes tab on the relevant activity and clicking New Note.


Applying a Template to a Note

Open the Notes tab and click New Note. If any templates have been set up and activated for the type of record for which you’re creating a note you’ll see a drop-down menu showing the templates plus the option to create a Blank Note. The new Note will be configured based on the template applied, although you can still edit it if required.


Adding a Note that includes a link to a URL

This option is very useful if you store files against your Workbooks records. Rather than having to upload the file itself into Workbooks, which can quickly use up your Storage Allowance, you can instead store the link to where the file is stored in an external storage system.

Open the Notes tab on the record for which you want to add the URL and click New Link. Enter a subject and add the URL details to URL field. Click in the frame under the URL and the relevant web resource will appear in the frame beneath the URL.

NOTE:  Sometimes websites require additional authentication in order for the resource to appear in a frame.  If you can’t see the item when you’ve followed the steps above, click on the button at the right-hand side of the URL field to open the resource in a new tab.