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What Loqate (PCA Predict) is and how to enable it within Workbooks.

Setting Up Loqate

Loqate’s service allows addresses and postcodes from anywhere in the world to be looked up within Workbooks. A free trial is available via Loqate’s website.

Once you’ve obtained a Capture+ Web key you access the feature from Start Configuration > Addresses > Postcode Lookup. The on-screen instructions explain how to enable the feature. A short animated image also illustrates how to use the feature to quickly find address information.

The Workbooks User’s default country will be set, but you can change your country if required:

After enabling the feature and granting the relevant User Group(s) access by giving them the ‘Address Lookup’ Capability, Users will then be able to use the Postcode Lookup.

There is also an additional licence available from Loqate for Government data lookup. If you would like to map this extra data into Workbooks, please contact Workbooks Support.

In order to use Loqate data after the trial, you will need credit in your Loqate account. This must be added directly through your Loqate account.


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