Using Postcode Lookup
How to use Loqate (formerly PCA Predict) including what you will see on records when adding/amended addresses.
Using Postcode Lookup (Now Loqate, formerly PCA Predict)
Postcode Lookup allows for faster, more accurate input of address data.
You will need to make sure you have a Postcode Anywhere Capture+ key. This is available, for a fee, on the Capture+ page of the Loqate website:
To configure Postcode Lookup, navigate to Start > Configuration > Addresses > Postcode Lookup. Here, you will be prompted to enter your Capture+ key, set a default country, and enable/disable the service.
You will also need to make sure that users are granted the ‘Address lookup’ capability. Information on modifying User groups is available here. Once these steps are complete, you are all set.
On a Person, Organisation or Lead record, click in the Address field and enable Postcode Lookup by ticking the Lookup checkbox:
It’s really easy and fast to use. You can type part of the address, or even the company name, as shown here. The first few letters or Workbooks Online Limited are entered and a few suggestions are made:
Click the company name and all the address fields are automatically filled in.