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Types of Split Columns

Workbooks reporting allows you to split your results using Split Columns. When combined with Group by, you can create reports that look similar to tables you might see in other software, such as Excel. 

In order to create a Split Column, you will need to create a summary view and click ‘Add value column’ -> ‘Split column’.

There are several types of Split Column to choose from:

  • All Picklist values – Pulls all the possible values from the selected column and displays them regardless of any other factors.
  • All values in the parent view – Pulls all the values from the parent view. This is useful for when you want to grab all the picklist values but you want to apply the criteria from the parent view to this list, thereby reducing it.
  • Only valid values from the parent view – This works the same as the previous type but now also applies the criteria from this view, further reducing the number of columns in your split.
  • Just these values starting with – Allows you to list the values the exact values you need. These need to be comma separated and uses the ‘Starting with’ criteria. If you were to list ‘created’ you might get both ‘created at’ and ‘created by’, so it might be worthwhile to list the full name of the column if there is any potential for overlap.
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