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Retrieve Survey Data

Survey responses completed after a Webcast session are captured in Workbooks within Online Activities using the Scheduled Process called “ON24 – Retrieve Survey Data”. The integration will sync surveys for Webinars that meet the following criteria:

  • Where the Webinar End Date is TODAY’s date, minus 5 days. For example if today’s date is 23/06/2020, the integration will check for new survey responses for webinars where the End Date is 18/06/2020 or later. When the integration is installed, you can configure the number of days to check for new survey responses or it can be modified in the parameter called “check_for_surveys_age_days” at a later date as required.
  • Status = Complete

The questions and answers captured are stored within the Form Submission JSON field in a format similar to: 

[{"question":"How did you find our webcast today? (Rate 5=high to 1=low)","answer":"4"}, {"question":"Rate the Speakers (Rate 5=High to 1=low)","answer":"4"}, {"question":"gsv_event","answer":"EVENT-106"}]

The integration adds an additional “question”/”answer” with the question set to “gsv_event” and the answer set to the Object Reference of the Event. Workbooks automatically creates a related item between the Online Activity and the Event which is visible under the Related Items tab. The Online Activity will also be related to the Person (Attendee) that filled out the survey. A grid is generated when the Online Activity is opened which displays the question and answers captured in an easier to understand format:

The Timestamp of the last processed survey response is stored in the New Survey Last Checked field on the Event. This is then used on the next run to check for new surveys since the last run.