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Setting a Blank Default Currency on Transaction Documents

When creating Transactional Documents, such as a Quotation or an Invoice, the Document Currency will default to the User’s Own Organisation Home Currency. However, if your firm operates with multiple currencies, it is possible to set the default currency to be blank – in order to avoid user accounting error.


This can be set up rather simply with the use of Record Templates. Navigate to Start > Configuration > Customisation > Record Types > Select chosen type of transactional document > Record Templates > New Record Template. For this example I will use Customer Quotations.


Within the new Record Template you will need to set the ‘Own Organisation’ field to your Organisation, aswell as the Document Currency value to blank. Finally enable the Published checkbox and Save & Close.

Within the Quote Landing Page you will now find the option to create a ‘New No Currency Quote’. Clicking this will bring up a new Quote in which the Document Currency must be populated by the user, removing the possibility of an incorrect currency being defaulted to.

If a blank currency is required on any other transaction documents, simply rinse and repeat the steps above for the relevant document type.