Setup On the Day Registration App
If you installed the Event Management module before 25 April 2020, please follow the below instructions:
- Navigate to Start > Configuration > Automation > Processes > Web Processes
- Add a new process:
- Name: “Event Management Check In”
- Script: “Script Library” -> “Event Management Check In”
- Set the parameters:
- assign_order_to: Apply the same values as are currently set in Event Management web process – Start > Configuration > Automation > Processes > Web Processes, then select Event Management. Once there, look on the Parameter Values tab for the assign_order_to values.
- assign_person_to: Apply the same value as is currently set in Event Management web process – Start > Configuration > Automation > Processes > Web Processes, then select Event Management. Once there, look on the Parameter Values tab for the assign_person_to values.
- assign_organisation_to: Apply the same value as is currently set in Event Management web process – Start > Configuration > Automation > Processes > Web Processes, then select Event Management. Once there, look on the Parameter Values tab for the assign_organisation_to values.
- company_name: your company name
- event_management_process_identifier: event_management
- Anonymous access should be unchecked
- Run As: Current User
- Go to Start > Configuration > Customisation > Record Types > Events
- Open the “Fields” tab
- Add a new custom field of type “Iframe” with the below details:
- Field label: Check In
- URL: /process/@db@/event_management_check_in?registertoeventid=@id@&iframe=1
- Show as tab: true
- Show by default: true
Testing Steps to confirm correct installation
- Open the Web process in a new browser tab:
- Open the web process “Event_Management_Check_In” by navigating to Start > Configuration > Automation > Processes > Web Processes
- Click on the button near process URL, as shown below:
- This should now open a new tab with the Event Management Check in process
- Open the Web process in an Event Record:
- Open any existing Event Record
- You will now see a new tab called “Check In” in the open window within the Event Record
Description of the process parameters
- assign_order_to – The queue id for the assignee creating a new order, when we create new registrations using the Check In module
- assign_person_to – The queue id for the assignee creating a new person, when we create new registrations using the Check In module
- assign_ organisation_to – The queue id for the assignee creating a new organisation, when we create new registrations using the Check In module
- company_name – This is only used for the web browser tab title, when using the Check In web process not from within the Event Record, but in a separate browser tab. This parameter is not required. The tab title is being displayed: “(Company name) – Events” (if we have company_name value) or just “Events” if the company_name value is empty.
- event_management_process_identifier – This value is used when generating the URL for Event Management if we want to add a new Attendee on a paid event.