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Sync Outreach Mappings

Synchronise Outreach Picklist values to Workbooks including Task Types, Priorities, Opportunity Stages and Users

NOTE: This integration is currently in BETA only and not available on the Script Library at this time. The functionality on these pages may change without warning. Please contact us if you would like to be involved in testing this integration.

After the Outreach Plugin is installed within your Workbooks instance, a Scheduled Process is created called Outreach Maintain Mapping Process. 

By default, this process is scheduled to run once per day. For the initial installation and before you can use the integration, you’ll first need to authenticate an Outreach account with Workbooks, then click “Run Now” on this process. 

API data records are also created to map key information from Outreach to Workbooks and allow the Webhook to function. The records created are as follows:

  • Task Priorities
  • Task Themes (Task Types)
  • Call Dispositions
  • Call Purposes
  • Opportunity Stages
  • Users
  • Outreach Metadata (field names, data types etc)

After the initial run, this process can run once per day, and it will sync any configuration changes to Workbooks automatically and make them available to the integration.