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Triggered Mailshots

It is possible to create a Triggered Mailshot within Workbooks that combines the use of GatorMail and GatorLeads, this can help send targeted marketing information to potential prospects that have expressed interest in your website. The form can trigger an automated Marketing process that helps you nurture your Lead from that initial email all the way through to conversion, while requiring minimal management from your Sales and Marketing teams.

The only requirement is that you will need to be able to identify the Prospect by email address; in order for this to happen you will need to have a cookie on their browser, placed there by either Web Insights, GatorMail or a GatorForm.

This example will show you how to send a GatorMail Mailshot to a prospect that visited the Workbooks Pricing page seven days ago. However the exact same logic could be applied to a download or any other specific interaction with your website.

From Start > New > Report > Create a new pre-populated report > Online Activities you will have most of the Fields required in order to build this Report.

Firstly, you will need to add a criteria to only show the Online Activity Records you are interested in seeing, in this case:

Web Page contains pricing
Email Address is not blank

This will now show all of the prospects that were identified by email and have visited the pricing page.

To only view the prospects that visited a week ago, you will need to create the following calculated column:

DATEDIFF( CURDATE(), occurred_at)

This will output the number of days since the the Online Activity occurred.

Once you have created the calculated column, add a calculated criteria to only show the number of days that you are interested in. In this case it will be Days since activity = 7.

Once the Report is created you will need to use this to create a Dynamic Mailing List which can then be linked to a Campaign or have a Mailshot directly sent from it. This Report will add and remove Members to a mailing list at the appropriate time, they can then be added to a GatorMail Campaign and a Mailshot will be sent to them automatically. If you are creating these Triggered Mailshots, you will need to create a Refresh non-recurring or Refresh recurring Campaign, this will depend on whether you want a person to receive the email every time they trigger the mailshot or only the first time.

NOTE: You will need to consider your Refresh schedule, especially if you are working in the same day or a specific period of time.

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