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Using Custom Records

Once you have created the Custom Record Type, you can add Custom Fields, Record Templates and Form Layouts as per the standard Record Types.

You may want to link this Record Type to other Records within your Workbooks.

For example:

  • Asset Records linked to the People Records that they have been provided to.
  • Sales Targets attached to Customer Organisations that will be used this year.
  • Internal Projects linked to the Person that has requested the work and the Person that will be carrying it out.

This can all be achieved through the use of Dynamic Linked Items. This will allow you to link the Custom Record to other Record Types but will also add the ability to drill through to these records within Reports.

Example: Linking a Custom Record to a Person Record

This example will guide you through how to set up a Dynamic Linked Item (DLI) linking Assets Records to People. To do this you will need to create a field called ‘Asset Owner’.

Step 1 – Create the Report

First you will need to create a People Report that has a criteria applied to it to only show employees.

To do this go to Start > New > Report > Create a new pre-populated report, select ‘People’ and provide the report a name such as “Employees”.

You will now need to apply the following criteria to the Report:

Employer (main) > Object reference is ORG-1

This applies a criteria to only show People Records that are employed by your Own Organisation. The Report can now be saved and used in the DLI.

Note: If you have multiple Own Organisation records, you will need to add the other Organisation References to the criteria also.

Step 2 – Create the DLI

From Start > Configuration > Customisation > Record Types > Assets, select the Fields tab and from the New Custom Field picklist, select Dynamic Linked Item.

You will need to give the DLI a Field Label, which in this case is ‘Asset Owner’, and setup the Report that was configured in Step 1. Set the Display Field as the ‘Name’ column within the Report:

Save & Close the field. Once the field has been created it can be applied to your Form Layouts. You will now be able to link this Asset to an Employee through the Asset Owner Field.