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Using Web Forms in Workbooks

The Web2Case and Web2Lead Web Forms function similarly but have distinct behaviours in how they process submitted information. This page outlines what happens within Workbooks when data is submitted through each form.

Both Forms will create a new Record on submission, it will not check for duplicate Records within Workbooks.


When information on the form is submitted it populates all of the respective Fields on your Case Record, the only Required Field on the Web2Case form by default is the Summary, however you may want to configure the Contact email field to also be required as this is used to look up the Case’s Primary Contact.


When an email address is entered the Web2Case Form runs a lookup in Workbooks to find a Person Record with a matching Primary Email field.

If one is found this Person is then set as the Case’s Primary Contact, if one is not found only the Email Field is populated on the Case. A Person Record may then need to be created in your Workbooks database.


When information is submitted on the Web2Lead form it will create a new Sales Lead. By default the only required field on the Form is the Person name. However, it is worth configuring the Email field to be required also, as this can be used as an easier way to match records for identifying potential duplicates.


Additionally, you are able to configure the creation of Compliance Records on the Web2Lead Form. These can be set values and hidden from the User so that an identical Compliance Record is created every time the Form is submitted. If you have multiple Web2Lead forms on your website you can set these values to be different on each form.


You will need to decide which Legal Grounds and Purpose you are using in line with your GDPR policy.

On submission the Lead and Compliance Record are created within the database instantly.

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