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What gets synchronised?

How to synchronise emails from your Exchange server to Workbooks using the WESS by using categories.

The WESS synchronises content both to and from an email client.

The WESS can automatically synchronise three record types from Workbooks to their corresponding object in your email client:

People, Tasks and Meetings

Please note that when you create a meeting in Workbooks, and add the attendees, when this synchronises, it will also send invites to the attendees. When the description of the meeting syncs to the outlook meeting, invitees will be also be able to see notes that you have added.

The WESS can also pull through these same objects from your email client, alongside emails, into Workbooks by using the Workbooks category within your email client.

You can also have the WESS synchronise records that aren’t in these views by creating an additional View on your People/Activity Landing Pages called ‘Exchange Sync’.


To prevent the sync from timing out there is a soft limit on the number of records that can be pushed across in a single session.